Saturday 4 October 2008

The Chemistry Of Common Life: 12 Hour Show

To celebrate the release of The Chemistry Of Common Life, in stores this coming Tuesday, Fucked Up will be playing live for twelve hours straight at a storefront in New York City, at the Rogan store at the corner of Bowery and Bond. Admission is free. Additionally, a free limited-edition 7″ of “Royal Swan” will be given away to the first batch of attendees. Below is the cover to the limited-edition 7″. You can download the alternate version of “Royal Swan” here.
Special guests will be joining the band on stage: the Vivian Girls, John Joseph, Matt Sweeney, Chain Gang, Mobb Deep, Ryan Sawyer from Tall Firs, Jeff Jensen, David Cross, John Cale, K-Taro, Chris Doherty, DJ Anarki, Michael Gira, members of the Australian Scapa Flow, Jeanne Bovet, Gods & Queens, The Edge, Ben Blackwell, the Boogie, and some megastars. Holy fuck!